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Girl Boner Radio: True Sex and Relationship Stories

Jun 23, 2016

August chats with Nicole LaBonde, a dancer, actor and Pilates instructor, about eating disorder recovery, dance as a healing tool, her recent experience with cancer and how all of this has affected her intimate life. A listener asks how to help her daughter, who has bulimia and is having unprotected sex with...

Jun 15, 2016

August explores common misperceptions about "slut"-shaming with Emily Lindin of the UnSlut Project. Dr. Megan Fleming shares advice for a woman whose boyfriend is disturbed by the number of sex partners she's had.

Jun 10, 2016

Elle the Author returns to discuss breast cancer recurrence. Learn how her journey with cancer has changed her and her hopes moving forward. Dr. Megan shares advice for anyone enduring difficult times.

Jun 2, 2016

August interviews Lachrista Greco, a writer, speaker, activist and founder/CEO of Guerrilla Feminism, on her experience with learning disabilities. Dr. Megan Fleming shares thoughts for the wife of a wounded war veteran.